Every Child Matters framework, supported by the Childrens Act 2004, establishes the principle that all children deserve the opportunity to achieve their full potential. This is set out in five outcomes that are essential to children and young people's wellbeing:
Our Promise
At Power of Parenting, we are committed to carrying on our charity operations responsibly and to acting ethically and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships. We are committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking do not take place in our own business.
Power of Parenting essentially deals with two entities – organisations and people. In doing so, whenever we encounter circumstances or information that indicates criminal acts of modern slavery or people trafficking taking place anywhere in the world we will report such to the appropriate authorities and assist any investigation.
Due Diligence
Whenever we engage a new supplier to our charity we will seek background information and evidence of their commitment towards preventing and reporting any modern slavery or people trafficking. We will not engage with suppliers who do not share our commitment on this important issue.
Our staff are carefully selected and will have relevant skills in information management where their role requires it. Each new member of staff is required to demonstrate their knowledge of this subject matter and are expected as part of their employment to remain up to date with all relevant legislation and internal policy.
The 2022/2023 period has been an incredibly busy time for Power of Parenting. Finally able to have our fundraising events such as our popular Golf Day and our Annual Christmas Ball take place again, we have been able to spend more money than ever on Foster Children and their families. As a charity, we at POP, strive to be completely transparent with our fundraising and how we spend our monies. We are a member of the Charity Fundraising Regulator and pride ourselves on high standards.
Foster children continue to be one of the most disadvantaged within our society, not always having access to reaching their full academic or sporting potential. In our report we take you through how we have continued our partnership with Explore Learning and how it has helped Looked after Children in Bracknell.
We have also continued to support our care leavers, one of whom is now excitingly entering his foundation year of a four-year Astrophysics course at the University of London. Read about how we have been able to support our care leavers with their further education as well as the recent sporting achievements that a number of foster children have reached that we have been so proud to have helped help.
To that end, we publish here (as well as on the Charity Commission's website, of course) our Trustees Annual Report which talks about our charitable activities and their impact as well as our fundraising activities.
Please click HERE to read all about our charitable activities and what we have done this financial year in more detail as well as the positive impact this has had on our supported foster children and their families. Finally, our Annual report will take you through what our newest project, The POP Hub of Excellence involves and how we plan to continue and grow our support for Looked after Children in and around Bracknell.
Please do get in touch with us on if you have any questions at welcome@powerofparenting.co.uk